It has begun! VMworld 2017!
Ok, so its really like day 2.3 of VMworld. The first two days were over in a flash and I find myself here on Tuesday trying to process all that I've done so far. The whirlwind of sessions, meeting people and viewing booths kept me distracted from how sore I was undoubtedly becoming. Meeting up with Ariel Sanchez and Edgar Sanchez, being introduced to a whole gaggle of other people much smarter than I.... taking sessions that are WAY out of my current league *cough*VSAN*cough*. So far it has been an amazing experience that I hope to repeat next year!
I want to shout out to Veeam and Infinio for making my trip possible. Without their sponsorship I wouldn't have been able to attend. It was awesome to meet some of the vCommunity celebrities like Edward Haletky, Jorge Torres, Mostafa Khalil, Corey Romero and so many more that I could fill a post with just names.
I had a "Meet the Experts - Virtual Volumes with Pete Flecha", the "vDocumentation" session with Ariel and Edgar, "Best Practices for vSAN design" with the amazing Joshua Fidel and Ron Scott-Adams. All amazing sessions so far with more to come!
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