
Showing posts from September, 2017

VMworld 2017 and Hurricanes and Future Projects

Wow has it been a busy few weeks. First wore myself out at VMworld. This was an experience. No other way to put it. I've never been bombarded with so many people, vendors, concepts and sessions in one place at the same time. This doesn't even touch on the topic of all the other user organized events (most notably for me would be the vExpert related events). I want to thank the folks over at Veeam for sponsoring my conference pass. Without their help it would not have been possible for me to attend this amazing conference and meet all the great people I did. Hurricane Irma hit Florida (my home state) shortly after returning from VMworld, so that kept me busy with preparations and riding out the mix of power outages and consistent internet outages, even being in North Florida where it was a Tropical Storm by time it hit us. This has given me time to begin thinking about my personal projects that I've been kicking around and debating about. Speaking of projects, I think ...