Adventures in setting up NetBackup 8.0 VMware Web Client Plugin files
So I was working on deploying my NetBackup 8.0 into my home lab when it hit me: "Hey! Why don't you go ahead and load the Web Client plugin for NetBackup into vCenter! Then you can see all your VMware backups right from there AND be able to run restores!" *Author's comments: If you want to skip the details and get to the answer skip down to the "problem and solution" section towards the bottom "Good idea!" I thought to myself. Little did I realize this would lead me down the path of around 6hrs of digging through web pages and scratching my head. My setup is as follows: VMware VCSA 6.5, 2 PowerEdge 1950's, Synology 1815+ NAS, Windows 2016 DC+DNS Server, Windows 2016 Certificate Authority Server (setup for other reasons), Windows 2012 R2 NetBackup Server. Followed Veritas' guide to setup the web plugin which says you need a web server (thought my Synology would have worked). Run the jar file as instructed in the guide: ht...